Westlaw has recently announced that it will discontinue its “Westlaw By Credit Card” service as of August 31, 2012. Presently, this document retrieval service allows users to access to materials on Westlaw, including state and federal case law, statutes, and appellate briefs, with the use of a credit card. It also provides access to KeyCite, West’s citation research service. After August 31, 2012, users will have to have a Westlaw subscription in order to access Westlaw and charges will be billed to the user’s Westlaw account. LexisNexis previously discontinued its “LexisNexis by Credit Card” website.
The Westminster Law Library continues to provide access to a limited public Westlaw service through two public-access computer terminals on the third floor. We also provide public access to the LexisNexis Academic database from public-access computer terminals on any floor. Unfortunately, no remote access is available. Please ask library staff for any needed assistance accessing these services.
Written by Brian Shoemaker, DU LIS Student