Reminder: Summer Semester priority registration begins
Sunday, March 25 and continues through the end of the month. Check classes by
clicking Summer 2012. We recommend Colorado Legal Research, a skills
class, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45pm until 4:25pm.
This course will introduce students to legal materials in
print generated by executive/administrative, legislative, and judicial branches
of Colorado government. Students will develop research strategies for answering
legal questions using primary and secondary resources and learn how to relate
the various sources of authority to the structure of Colorado government.
Students are required to bring laptop computers to classes and enrollment is
limited to ten students.
Class topics include statutes, legal dictionaries,
legislative history, reporters/cases, digests, Shepard’s citations, American
Law Reports (A.L.R.), practice materials, legal periodicals and indexes, legal
forms and directories, administrative materials, and court rules.
This skills class will be taught by Sheila Green,
Reference Librarian. Register for Colorado Legal Research on March 25.