Monday, October 4, 2010

New U.S. Supreme Court Term Today

The United States Supreme Court term begins today, as it does on the first Monday of October each year. The Court’s term typically lasts until June or July and alternates between “sittings,” when the Justices hear cases and deliver opinions, and “recesses,” when they write opinions and take care of other business. Cases have been selected or noted and some oral arguments scheduled throughout the term. Supreme Court decisions or opinions can be found in several places: the official SCOTUS website, Cornell’s Legal Information Institute or on Findlaw. Print copies of the opinions may be found in the following reporters: U.S. Reports – the official copy , United States Supreme Court Reports, Lawyer’s Edition, and West's Supreme Court Reporter.
The Court’s website includes the court rules, as well as details about visiting the court and the building. Historical information is provided by the Supreme Court Historical Society and from the Oyez project. Oyez also provides information on justices such as photos, financial disclosures, gravesites, etc. and recordings of oral arguments.

The mystique of the Supreme Court has been captured in a Broadway play, movies, television and numerous books. For further research tips on the Supreme Court, see LLRX's Web Guide to U.S. Supreme Court Research.