Monday, November 24, 2008
Legal Movies
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Bring a Book, Take a Book - Travel Reading
Pick up some fiction at the library
Did you know that the law library has a fiction collection? Located on the low shelf near the printers on the 2nd floor, the Bring a Book, Take a Book collection provides leisure reading for students, faculty and staff. No check-out is necessary, just grab a paperback on your way out or drop off something for others to enjoy.Heading home for Thanksgiving? Pick up a book for the trip! OR....
Take audiobook or download a classic for free
Denver Public Library provides a list of audio and text ebooks for check-out.The text of classic books can also be downloaded for free to your ever-present laptops from sites like Project Gutenberg and Google Book Search.
Reading Days - stress, stretch & exercise
Stretching at your desk
- Finger stretch - slideshow, Mayo Clinic
- Lower back stretch, standing - video, Mayo Clinic
- Forearm and wrist stretches - video, Mayo Clinic
- Shoulder and upper back stretches - video, Mayo Clinic
- Neck stretches - video, Mayo Clinic
- Stretching exercises at your desk: 12 simple tips - handout, WebMD
- Stress - handout, Health & Counseling Ctr.
- Stress and Tension Headaches - handout, Health & Counseling Ctr.
- Anxiety - handout, Health & Counseling Ctr.
- Relaxation & Imagery - Kaiser Permanente
- Exercise & Hydration - handout, Health & Counseling Ctr.
- Exercise at your desk - handout, WebMD
- The Lunch Hour Workout - handout, WebMD
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Office ergonomics - handout, WebMD
- Preventing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - handout, WebMD
- Preventing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - handout, Kaiser Permanente
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Fast Facts - blog, WebMD
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Family Law Subject Guide
The new Family Law subject guide provides print, database and Internet research tools, including Colorado-specific websites, practice resources, ABA publications, family law blogs and more. Subject guides are found on the library's homepage, under "Research" on the left hand side, click "More." There are also print copies in the spindles by the reference desk on level 3, as well as on level 1. Please see the wide range of subject guides which can save you time and effort in your studies.
In addition, the following subject guides have been moved to the newly created Topical Legal Research section:
- Appellate Advocacy (check for December update)
- A Research Guide to CCH’s Federal Securities Law Reporter
- A Research Guide to CCH’s Standard Federal Tax Reporter
- A Research Guide to United States Tax Reporter
- Bankruptcy Materials
- Disability Law
- Environmental Law Resources
- Jury Verdicts and Settlements
- Labor and Employment Law Resources
- Legal Encyclopedias
- Selected Legal Forms
- Selected Legal Periodical Indexes
- Selected Tax Reporters
- Trusts and Estates Guide (check for December update)
Thursday, November 13, 2008 Office of the President-Elect
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
New Links: Sports & Entertainment Law
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Faust 2.0: EULA Boogaloo

xkcd: a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language by Ralph Munroe
xkcd is a Creative Commons webcomic.
*I'll buy a coffee for the first student who e-mails me with the movie reference in this post's title.
Constitutional Law, First Amendment Links
- Colorado Resources
- Comprehensive Sites
- Freedom of Assembly
- Freedom of Petition
- Freedom of Religion
- Freedom of Speech
- Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT): Working for Democratic Values in a Digital Age
- Chilling Effect Clearinghouse: A Joint Project from Electronic Frontier Foundation and Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, University of San Francisco, University of Maine, and George Washington School of Law Clinics
- First Amendment Center – Freedom of Speech
- Freedom of Expression at the National Endowment for the Arts
- The Free Expression Policy Project (FEPP): A Project of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law
- University of Pennsylvania The Online Books Page
- Freedom of the Press
- Law Reviews
- Organizations
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): Defending the Bill of Rights
- American Library Association
- American Press Institute. Journalist’s Toolbox Update
- Electronic Frontier Foundation: Defending Freedom in the Digital World
- FEN (Free Expression Network) Clearinghouse – An Alliance of Organizations
- First Amendment Project (FAP)
- Freedom Forum: A Non-Partisan Foundation
- Freemuse: Freedom of Musical Expression
- IFEX: International Freedom of Expression eXchange
- Internet Free Expression Alliance
- Lawyers for Libraries: A Project of American Library Association, Office of Intellectual Freedom
- Peacefire: Open Access for the Net Generation
- The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press: A Nonprofit Organization Dedicated to Providing Free Legal Access to Journalists Since 1970
- Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression
- State Resources
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Ved P. Nanda Int'l. Appellate Competition
The International Court of Justice, also known as the World Court, is the “principal judicial organ of the United Nations” and is the successor to the Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ). Established under the Charter of the United Nations in 1945, the Court’s role is to “…settle, in accordance with international law, legal disputes submitted to it by States and to give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by authorized United Nations organs and specialized agencies.” The Court’s official languages are English and French. The Court only has jurisdiction if the states party to the dispute have accepted its jurisdiction under a prescribed set of ways. In order to practice before the Court, counsel or advocates must have been appointed by a government. The Court is located at the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands.
The ICJ homepage provides quick access to the latest decisions and press releases. Check out the link to Cases in the menu on the left.
When searching for materials in the catalog, be sure to search under both “International Court of Justice” and “World Court.” The library has approximately 100 items on the subject. The official reports of the Court, Recueil des arrêts, avis consultatifs et ordonnances / Cour internationale de justice = Reports of judgments, advisory opinions, and orders / International Court of Justice can be found in print at KZ214 .I58 (level 1). We have all the reports through 2007 with the exception of 2004.* Additionally, other resources include HeinOnline (search journal articles), Westlaw (INT-ICJ), and on Lexis by looking in the International Legal Materials (ILM). ILM is also available through HeinOnline (1962-2004) and in print (1962-2008).
*At the time this article was published, 2005-2007 were still being processed in technical services. We expect them to be on the shelf soon. If you need to see one of these years and it is not on the shelf, please contact the author.
by Joan Policastri, Foreign & International Legal Research Specialist
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Spring Legal Research Classes
Legal Databases Research (L4702D)
This course will introduce students to a variety of legal databases, both fee-based and free, that can be utilized for conducting effective legal research as a student and practicing lawyer. Students will learn to analyze and critically evaluate whether or not a database provides accurate information and resources. Students will learn to determine which legal databases are most useful for specific types of information and resource needs. Students will learn to construct successful search strategies that can be employed to search a database and find the information required. This course will equip students to become expert searchers in the online environment.
Instructor: Stacey Bowers, JD, MLIS, Outreach & Access Services Librarian
2 credits, 10:30am, Wednesday, 100 minutes
Advanced Legal Research (L4035)
This course will provide students with the opportunity to master a major tools of law practice. Students completing this course will come away with an enhanced ability to do research in state and federal legislative and administrative materials. Students will gain knowledge and experience in the use of non-legal research resources as well as the many practice materials that attorneys frequently rely on. Students will have the opportunity to evaluate a variety of research tools, their ease of use, and relative cost with respect to creating or enhancing a law practice library. Finally, students will sharpen their presentation and public speaking skills and be exposed to innovative teaching technologies.
Instructor: Debra Austin, JD, PhD, Lawyering Process Professor
3 credits, 10:30am, Monday & Wednesday, 75 minutes
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Colorado State District Court System
County Courts have jurisdiction to handle civil cases under $15,000.00. If a counterclaim or cross claim is filed which puts the total amount at issue over $15,000.00, the case must be removed to the district court which has the appropriate venue and jurisdiction. County courts also handle county code violations, misdemeanors, traffic infractions, felony complaints (which may be sent to district court), protection orders, and other cases assigned to them. County court decisions may be appealed to the district court. County courts hear cases involving both state statutes and county codes.
Municipal Courts are found in most cities. They usually hear cases involving violations of their municipal ordinances. Local government websites are the best resource for municipal court rules and ordinances, as well as county codes. See the Web Research Links on the library homepage for Colorado resources for local government websites. Web Research Links > Colorado Resources > Colorado Local Government
The official Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure that apply to Colorado State District Courts, the rules for Attorney and Judicial Conduct, County Court, Small Claims Court, and Probate procedure are located in print in the library in the red softbound Court Rules Book 1, KFC 1830 .A2. The official Colorado Rules of Procedure for Juvenile, Criminal, Traffic, Appellate, and Evidence are located in the red softbound Court Rules Book 2, KFC 1830 .A2. The rules have sample forms and are annotated with references to cases, articles, and other research resources.
Magistrates are often used in the above-referenced courts, acting pursuant to relevant statutes and rules of procedure. The administrative law applicable to state agencies is not discussed in this brief overview of Colorado Catharine Cott, Reference Librarian
Monday, November 3, 2008
Colorado's State Appellate Court System
The Colorado Court of Appeals is Colorado’s intermediate appellate court. Its 22 judges serve eight-year terms, sitting in three-member panels, and are retained by public election. The Court of Appeals’ jurisdiction is limited to areas designated by state statute and it has the power inherently granted to all courts. See Section 1 of Article VI of the Colorado Constitution and C.R.S. § 13-4-101, et seq. It generally has initial jurisdiction over appeals from the Colorado district (trial) courts, probate courts, juvenile courts, and a number of state administrative board and agency decisions. The Court of Appeals decision is final unless the Colorado Supreme Court agrees to review the case.
For more information:
- "Delivering User-Centric Services at the Colorado Supreme Court Library" by Robert Linz. Legal Research Corner column, 37 The Colorado Lawyer 67 (May 2008).
- "Civil Rules Committee and the Rules of Criminal Procedure Committee." Legal Research Corner column, 33 The Colorado Lawyer 75 (August 2004).