Here are some places you can find the Colorado Lawyer*:
- CasemakerX - Full-text archives of the entire run of the Colorado Lawyer, from the first issue in 1971. Images and charts are NOT included, but can be obtained by contacting the publication, or from the print copies at WLL. Cannot search by citation.
- Westlaw - "Selected coverage" from 1983-present. Database identifier: COLAW. Allows citation searching. Graphs, charts and pictures not included.
- LegalTrac - Abstracts of the articles from 1980-present.
- The shelves! - Westminster has two print sets of the Colorado Lawyer. The bright orange set is easy to spot in the Colorado materials section on the third floor, at KFC1869 .C62. The green set is on the first floor with the other periodicals. We also have a microform set on the second floor, if you're really in a bind.
*The Colorado Lawyer is the official publication of the Colorado Bar Association.