Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Alternatives to Rosetta Stone
The possibility of making a career in international law is greatly enhanced by knowledge of a foreign language…or two. Law students can take advantage of the language programs available through the Penrose Library. And DU is now expanding the number of options available to acquire foreign language skills. Many students, faculty, and staff have taken advantage of the Rosetta Stone program, and now Penrose is now offering additional programs, on a trial basis, as described below. See the rest of the story here.
Computer-Assisted Language-Learning Programs at DU
As you may have heard, Penrose Library and the Center for World Languages and Cultures (CWLC) are evaluating the computer-assisted language-learning (CALL) programs, including Rosetta Stone, that we offer to the campus community. Currently, we offer Rosetta Stone and Tell Me More, but there are several other programs available, including Live Mocha, Mango, Pimsleur, and Transparent Languages. Together, this broader suite of tools would provide our students and faculty with a wider variety of languages and would serve a broader range of learning styles.
If you are currently using Rosetta Stone through Penrose, you will want to be aware that Penrose will be transitioning away from the current Rosetta Stone program, and will be moving to a more limited option (details at the link, above). This is your opportunity to try out the alternatives that could be offered in its place, and express your views on the best replacement(s). And, if you tried Rosetta Stone, but found it didn’t meet your needs, here is an opportunity to find a program that matches your learning style.
Taking a trip to Mexico or Italy may be beyond the means of many of us, but the break is a great time to explore Spanish or Italian language learning programs. Because maybe, someday, having those language skills will be the key to getting us that position that we really want in Geneva or Beijing!
Written by Joan Policastri, Foreign,Comparative & International Librarian
Friday, January 27, 2012
Restricted Library Access
The doors will be locked from 6pm - closing weeknights and from 6pm Friday until opening on Monday morning. During those times, patrons will need a DU law school ID card to swipe at the front door to gain access. Non-law school patrons, such as attorneys and other individuals needing to do legal research, will need to knock on the door and speak to the Circulation Desk employee in order to enter the library. DU (non-law) students are asked to please find another place to study during this time. Thank you for your consideration.
Written by Patty Wellinger, Reference Services Coordinator
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Legal History Databases
Written by Patty Wellinger, Reference Services Coordinator
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Resources Supporting Research on P4R
If you would like to find additional information on the World Bank or the Project for Results, as well as some basic background for the discussion, here are some resources to get you started – there are many other resources you will want to consult. See particularly the tabs on Projects and Operations, and Data. Research papers can be found under the Publications tab.Here is a link to the results of a search in the Westminster Law Library catalog for a keyword search on “world bank” AND “indigenous peoples”
Monday, January 23, 2012
Lexis Advance Launches at DU
Saturday, January 21, 2012
“Shepardizing” Confusion
LexisNexis purchased Shepard’s in the later 1990s, and released their first online version around 1999. They began developing their own system for research headnotes and tools, which are also not a part of the case opinion they may precede. Until LexisNexis switched over to its own Citations they continued using the West topic and key numbers for their Shepard’s Citations. Like many libraries, the Westminster Law Library has discontinued most of their print Shepard’s Citations, except Colorado. The online version of Shepard’s is found in the law school password protected LexisNexis research system, as well as the publicly available LexisNexis Academic database on the Westminster Law Library’s homepage.
Here comes the confusion. West is a competitor of LexisNexis, and still publishes many of the official case reporters and secondary sources such as AmJur, ALR and digests, using its research tool known as the West topic and key number system. The password protected and the public Westlaw databases use this same tool, and call their citator “Keycite”. The Westlaw headnotes are not part of the case opinion, just as the newer LexisNexis headnotes used in their current online databases are not a part of the online opinion. So, you cannot plug a LexisNexis headnote into a West product, and you cannot use the West headnotes to find materials in the LexisNexis research system. Although you may hear attorneys using the now trademarked term “Shepardizing”, they often are still referring to the West citator and headnotes, or may be using that verb generically to say “is it still good law?”
Written by Catharine Cott, Reference Librarian
Monday, January 16, 2012
Foreign, Comparative & International Law Research Classes
There will be nine classes offering a variety of databases that can help you with your research projects. Each topic will be offered twice, once at noon and once at 5:15pm on the same day. A certificate of completion will be offered to those students who attend all nine sessions. Click here to print off a flyer with more details. Noon sessions will be held in SCOL Rm. 313, PLEASE NOTE: the Evening sessions have been moved to SCOL Rm. 330 R (library study room) due to a scheduling conflict.
Topics include:
- HeinOnline - Law Journals, UN Collection
- Foreign Law Guide / Index to Foreign Law Periodicals
- United Nations website & UN Treaty Collection
- HeinOnline - Constitutions of the World, Treaties & Agreements Library, FIL resources
- Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law / International Encyclopedia of Law
- Oxford Reports on International Law / Oxford Scholarship Online
- Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) / Europa World
- Inter-Am / Latin America
- Social Science Research in the Penrose databases
Friday, January 13, 2012
Colorado Bar Association (CBA) Offers Free Student Memberships
Become a student member of CBA today. Click Not A CBA Member? JOIN NOW on left frame. Scroll to and click Student Membership Application and complete online. Your student CBA membership also includes free membership in one of the following local bar associations:
- First Judicial District
- Arapahoe
- Boulder
- Denver
- Douglas/Elbert
- El Paso
- Pueblo
- Weld
Students may also join the following CBA sections for a fee prorated fifty percent after January 1, 2012
Law Practice Sections Dues
Agriculture & Rural Law 15.00
Dispute Resolution 25.00
Business 25.00
Communications & Technology Law 15.00
Construction Law 10.00
Criminal 25.00
Disability Law 15.00
Elder Law 25.00
Entertainment & Sports 15.00
Environmental 15.00
Family 30.00
Government Counsel 15.00
Health 15.00
Immigration Law 15.00
Intellectual Property 30.00
International Law 20.00
Judicial Section 15.00
Juvenile Law 20.00
Labor & Employment Law 15.00
Litigation 20.00
Natural Resources & Energy Law 20.00
Real Estate 25.00
Solo/Small Firm Practice 15.00
Taxation 25.00
Trust & Estate 25.00
Water Law 20.00
Workers’ Compensation 30.00
Written by Sheila Green, Reference Librarian
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Changes to Prospector Borrowing
Prospector is a combined catalog of 26 Colorado & Wyoming libraries that allows you to search for and to request items that are not owned by DU. The library catalogs for the Westminster Law Library and the Penrose Library at the University of Denver are being merged on the Prospector borrowing system. Due to this merge, Westminster Law Library patrons will need to request books through Prospector by selecting the U of Denver tab instead of the U of Denver Law tab when asked by the form “With which library are you affiliated?” This change begins January 9, 2012. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Interlibrary Loan Department at illdept@law.du.edu.
Written by Patty Wellinger, Reference Services Coordinator
Monday, January 9, 2012
International Law... From Above
Here is how TVFA describes itself -
The View From Above is a Denver-based online publication dedicated to creating a forum where practitioners, professors and students can share ideas, debate and engage in an ongoing conversation about international law and foreign policy. In the long term, The View From Above aspires to become the primary online publication for high-level discussion on current international law developments as they occur. Through the use of the internet and social media, we hope to disseminate information in a meaningful way in order to bridge the gap between academics, practitioners, policymakers, and students. The View From Above hopes to advance the practice of international law by making the discussion of international legal issues as responsive to the rapidly changing landscape as technology will allow.
The TVFA is a great addition to SCOL’s already excellent, world-respected line up of international law resources, including the Ved Nanda Center for International and Comparative Law, and the Denver Journal of International Law and Policy (it was great to see the DJILP prominently displayed at the entry to the Peace Palace Library). The Nanda Center was created in 2006 with a gift from DU Law alum Douglas Scrivner, and, his wife, Mary. The DJILP was created by our own Professor Ved Nanda in 1971.
In addition to posts from Prof. Nanda, other bloggers include Professors Akerson and Wiersema, your fellow law students and members of the DJILP staff. Guest bloggers include former students and current staff. Jon Bellish was instrumental in putting together the final product, and he is an active blogger, too. And the project could not have come together without Karlyn Shorb, the Administrative Director of the Nanda Center.
Written by Joan Policastri, Foreign, Comparative & International Librarian
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Bar Exam Changes in 2012
The UBE score includes scaled scores from the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) (50%), Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) (30%), and the Multistate Performance Test (MPT) (20%). Prior to admission to practice law in Colorado, applicants must also complete the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) and the one day Mandatory Course on Professionalism. The ability to transfer UBE scores among states is determined by each individual jurisdiction.
Written by Catharine Cott, Reference Librarian